Source code for skfdiff.core.grid_builder

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

from functools import partial
from itertools import accumulate
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from cachetools import Cache, cachedmethod
from cachetools.keys import hashkey
from loguru import logger
from sympy import Matrix, lambdify
import cloudpickle

from .system import PDESys

[docs]def retrieve_cache(key, self): try: return self._cache[key] except KeyError: self._cache[key] = Cache(maxsize=128) return self._cache[key]
[docs]def list_to_tuple_key(*args, **kwargs): args = [tuple(arg) if isinstance(arg, list) else arg for arg in args] kwargs = { key: tuple(value) if isinstance(value, list) else value for key, value in kwargs.items() } key = hashkey(*args, **kwargs) return key
[docs]class GridBuilder: def __init__(self, system: PDESys): self.system = system self._cache = {} self._convert_inputs() self._lambda_shapes = [ lambdify(self.sizes, shape, modules="numpy") for shape in self.shapes ] # lambdify the size computation for each dep. var. (shape product) self._lambda_sizes = [ lambdify(self.sizes, self.system.sizes[unk], modules="numpy") for unk in self.system.unknowns ] self._lambda_conds = [] for conds in self.system.computation_domains: lambda_cond = lambdify(self.inputs_cond, Matrix(conds), modules=["numpy"]) self._lambda_conds.append(lambda_cond) def __getstate__(self): return {key: cloudpickle.dumps(value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update( {key: cloudpickle.loads(value) for key, value in state.items()} ) def _convert_inputs(self): self.ndim = len(self.system.coordinates) self.unks = [unk.symbol for unk in self.system.unknowns] self.sizes = [coord.N for coord in self.system.coordinates] self.idxs = [coord.idx for coord in self.system.coordinates] self.idxs_map = [ tuple([self.system.coordinates.index(coord) for coord in unk.coordinates]) for unk in self.system.unknowns ] self.shapes = [self.system.shapes[unk] for unk in self.system.unknowns] self.inputs_cond = [*self.idxs, *self.sizes]
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "build_flat_from_idxs_mapper"), key=list_to_tuple_key, ) def build_flat_from_idxs_mapper(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): mapper = {} gridinfo = self.compute_gridinfo(sizes) for row in gridinfo: mapper[tuple(row[:-2])] = row[-1] return mapper
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "build_idxs_from_flat_mapper"), key=list_to_tuple_key, ) def build_idxs_from_flat_mapper(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): mapper = {} gridinfo = self.compute_gridinfo(sizes) for row in gridinfo: mapper[int(row[-1])] = row[:-2] return mapper
[docs] def compute_flat_from_idxs(self, idxs, sizes: Tuple[int]): mapper = self.build_flat_from_idxs_mapper(sizes) if np.array(idxs).ndim == 1: return mapper[tuple(idxs)] else: return np.array([mapper[tuple(idx)] for idx in idxs])
[docs] def compute_idxs_from_flat(self, flatindex, sizes: Tuple[int]): mapper = self.build_idxs_from_flat_mapper(sizes) if np.array(flatindex).ndim == 0: return mapper[int(flatindex)] else: return np.array([mapper[int(idx)] for idx in flatindex])
[docs] def compute_pivot_idx(self, shapes: Tuple[int]): if np.alltrue(shapes == shapes[0]): return np.arange(self.ndim) return np.argsort(np.sum(shapes, axis=0))[::-1]
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_shapes"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def compute_shapes(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): """ compute the shapes of all the model fields. """ return tuple([lambda_shape(*sizes) for lambda_shape in self._lambda_shapes])
[docs] @cachedmethod(cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_steps"), key=list_to_tuple_key) def compute_steps(self, sizes, lenghts): """ compute the stepsize of all the independent variables. """ return tuple([lenght / (size - 1) for lenght, size in zip(lenghts, sizes)])
[docs] @cachedmethod(cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_sizes"), key=list_to_tuple_key) def compute_sizes(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): """ compute the sizes of all the model fields. """ return tuple([lambda_size(*sizes) for lambda_size in self._lambda_sizes])
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_indices"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def compute_indices(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): """ compute grid indices of all the model fields. """ shapes = self.compute_shapes(sizes) return [np.indices(np.stack(shape)) for shape in shapes]
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_domains"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def compute_domains(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): """ compute grid indices of all the model fields. """ indices = self.compute_indices(sizes) cursor = 0 domains = [] for lambda_cond, indice in zip(self._lambda_conds, indices): cond_grid = lambda_cond(*indice, *sizes) domain_grid = cond_grid, np.arange(cursor, cursor + cond_grid.shape[0]) ).squeeze() cursor = domain_grid.max() + 1 domains.append(domain_grid) return domains
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_gridinfo"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def compute_gridinfo(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): system_sizes = self.compute_sizes(sizes) system_size = sum(system_sizes) shapes = self.compute_shapes(sizes) indices = self.compute_indices(sizes) domains = self.compute_domains(sizes) ndim = self.ndim pivot_idx = self.compute_pivot_idx(shapes) cursors = list(accumulate([0, *system_sizes])) unk_info = np.zeros((system_size,), dtype="int32") idxs_info = np.zeros((ndim, system_size), dtype="int32") domains_info = np.zeros((system_size,), dtype="int32") for i, (cursor, size, indice, domain) in enumerate( zip(cursors, system_sizes, indices, domains) ): unk_info[cursor : cursor + size] = np.repeat(i, size) idxs_info[:, cursor : cursor + size] = indice.reshape((-1, size)) domains_info[cursor : cursor + size] = domain.flatten() full_grid = np.concatenate([idxs_info[pivot_idx, :], unk_info[None, :]], axis=0) perm_vector = np.lexsort(full_grid[::-1]) permuted_idxs_info = idxs_info[:, perm_vector] permuted_unk_info = unk_info[None, perm_vector] permuted_domains_info = domains_info[None, perm_vector] flatten_idx = np.arange(system_size, dtype="int32") gridinfo = np.concatenate( [ permuted_unk_info, permuted_idxs_info, permuted_domains_info, flatten_idx[None, :], ], axis=0, ).T return gridinfo
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_flat_maps"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def compute_flat_maps(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): shapes = self.compute_shapes(sizes) gridinfo = self.compute_gridinfo(sizes) flatmaps = [ np.compress(gridinfo[:, 0] == i, gridinfo[:, -1], axis=0).reshape(shape) for i, shape in enumerate(shapes) ] return flatmaps
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_subgrids"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def compute_subgrids(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): gridinfo = self.compute_gridinfo(sizes) domains = sorted( set( np.concatenate( [domain.flatten() for domain in self.compute_domains(sizes)] ).tolist() ) ) condlists = [gridinfo[:, -2] == i for i in domains] subgrids = [np.compress(condlist, gridinfo, axis=0) for condlist in condlists] return subgrids
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_flat_to_unks"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def compute_flat_to_unks(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): gridinfo = self.compute_gridinfo(sizes) idxs_grids = [ self.compute_flat_from_idxs( np.compress(gridinfo[:, 0] == i, gridinfo[:, :-2], axis=0), sizes ) for i in range(len(self.unks)) ] return idxs_grids
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_unks_to_flat"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def compute_unks_to_flat(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): system_sizes = self.compute_sizes(sizes) system_size = sum(system_sizes) ptrs = self.compute_idxs_from_flat(np.arange(system_size, dtype="int32"), sizes) return ptrs
[docs] @cachedmethod(cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "compute_idxs"), key=list_to_tuple_key) def compute_idxs(self, sizes: Tuple[int]): system_sizes = self.compute_sizes(sizes) indices = self.compute_indices(sizes) indices = [ indice.reshape(-1, size) for indice, size in zip(indices, system_sizes) ] unk_idx = np.concatenate( [np.repeat(i, size) for i, size in enumerate(system_sizes)] ) idxs = np.concatenate( [indices[i] for i, size in enumerate(system_sizes)], axis=1 ) return np.stack([unk_idx, *idxs], axis=0)
[docs] @cachedmethod( cache=partial(retrieve_cache, "get_relevant_ptrs"), key=list_to_tuple_key ) def get_relevant_ptrs(self, i: int, sizes: Tuple[int]): system_sizes = self.compute_sizes(sizes) system_size = sum(system_sizes) shapeinfos = self.compute_shapes(sizes) pivot_idx = self.compute_pivot_idx(shapeinfos) idxs = np.arange(system_size) ptrs = self.compute_unks_to_flat(sizes) relevant_idxs = np.extract(ptrs[:, 0] == i, idxs) relevant_ptrs = ptrs[relevant_idxs, 1:].T[pivot_idx] return relevant_idxs, tuple(relevant_ptrs)
[docs] def U_routine(self, unks, sizes: Tuple[int]): system_sizes = self.compute_sizes(sizes) system_size = sum(system_sizes) U = np.empty(system_size) for i, unk in enumerate(unks): relevant_idxs, relevant_ptrs = self.get_relevant_ptrs(i, sizes) U[relevant_idxs] = unk[relevant_ptrs] return U
[docs] def U_from_fields(self, fields, t=0): unk_names = [ for unk in self.system.unknowns] ivar_names = [ for coord in self.system.coordinates] unks = [fields[varname] for varname in unk_names] sizes = [fields[varname].size for varname in ivar_names] shapeinfos = self.compute_shapes(sizes) pivot_idx = self.compute_pivot_idx(shapeinfos) coords = list(map(str, np.array(self.system.coordinates)[pivot_idx])) unks = [ unk.expand_dims(list(set(ivar_names).difference(set(unk.dims)))) .transpose(*coords) .values for unk in unks ] return self.U_routine(unks, sizes)
[docs] def fields_routine(self, U, sizes: Tuple[int]): shapes = self.compute_shapes(sizes) idxs_grids = self.compute_flat_to_unks(sizes) pivots = self.compute_pivot_idx(shapes) return [ U[grid].reshape(np.array(shape)[pivots]) for grid, shape in zip(idxs_grids, shapes) ]
[docs] def fields_from_U(self, U, fields, t=None): varnames = [ for unk in self.system.unknowns] fields = fields.copy() coords = [ fields[varname] for varname in [ for coord in self.system.coordinates] ] sizes = [coord.size for coord in coords] shapes = self.compute_shapes(sizes) pivots = self.compute_pivot_idx(shapes) unks = self.fields_routine(U, sizes) sys_ivars = self.system.coordinates for varname, unk, coords in zip( varnames, unks, [unk.coordinates for unk in self.system.unknowns] ): pivot_ordered_coords = [ sys_ivars[i].name for i in pivots if sys_ivars[i] in coords ] fields[varname] = pivot_ordered_coords, unk.squeeze() fields[varname] = fields[varname].transpose( *[ for coord in sys_ivars if coord in coords] ) return fields