News / TODO / Roadmap


v0.7.0: Some improvement, but mainly “quality of life” update.


New features

  • cse for numpy backend (speed-up for complex functions)

  • custom function register for numpy backend (see doc and cookbook)

  • New container backend using Zarr (better performances, much simpler implementation, but still experimental).

  • model check, ensuring that no symbol can be forgotten before the model evaluation.

v0.6.0: This is a huge step for the software, and a lot of the API modification is expected. Beside that, the software name change (other software named triflow were there before this one). All change will not be documented : they are numerous and it should be considered as a new, more capable and performant software.

As the main improvement :

  • Real arbitrary boundary condition: complex boundary conditions are properly dealt with and the domain where they should be applied are automatically detected by the solver.

  • Arbitrary dimension: the software is now able to deal with 2D / 3D (and more) and not only 1D cases.

  • Auxiliary definition allow the user to define intermediary variables, making the model writing easier.

  • The core dependencies have been decreased, and there is the possibility the select some extra dependency. In particular, theano is not used anymore, allowing easier installation (especially for windows users).

  • skfdiff[interactive] allow interactive work with the jupyter notebook.

  • skfdiff[numba] make the numba backend available if the non-python dep of numba are available on the computer (see the numba doc).


  • remove some model arguments (simplify, fdiff_jac) that was undocumented.

  • make Simulation, Fields, Container, Model pickables in order to improve multiprocessing usage of the library


  • WARNING: some part of the API has changed:

    • Simulation signature has changed. t arg is now optional (with t=0) as default and physical_parameters is now parameters.

    • The displays have been completely rewritten, and the previous API is depreciated. Users are encouraged to modify their scripts or to stick to the ^0.4 skfdiff versions.

  • move schemes from plugins to core

  • backends: remove tensorflow, add numpy which is way slower but has no compilation overhead.

  • displays and containers are connected to the simulation via streamz

  • add post-processing.

  • real-time display is now based on [Holoviews]( Backward compatibility for display is broken and users are encouraged to modify their scripts or to stick to the ^0.4 skfdiff versions.

  • use poetry to manage dependencies.

  • use tqdm to display simulation update.


  • give user choice of backend

    • get out tensorflow backend (not really efficient for increased maintenance cost).

    • give access to theano and numpy backend

  • upwind scheme support

  • using xarray as fields backend, allowing easy post process and save

  • update display and containers

  • adding repr string to all major classes


  • adding tensor flow support with full testing

  • adding post-processing in bokeh fields display

Roadmap / TODO list

The following items are linked to a better use of solid external libs:

  • better use of external solving lib:

    • merge skfdiff.plugins.schemes and scipy.integrate.OdeSolver API

    • use scipy.integrate.solve_ivp for skfdiff temporal scheme solving (making it more robust)

    • main goal is to have better two-way integration with scipy

These are linked to the skfdiff core

  • allow heterogeneous grid (variable with different dimensions) - aggregation function (mean, integrate, min/max, localized probe)

  • allow a choice on the finite difference scheme, on a global way or term by term (core implemented, need user api)

  • test and propose other backends (Cython, numba, pythran?)

  • work on adaptive spatial and temporal mesh

These are far away but can be very interesting:

  • implement continuation algorithm working with skfdiff (separate project?)